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FinTech Belgium MeetUp on Crowdfunding

FinTech Belgium MeetUp on Crowdfunding
Infos pratiques
le 09-02-2017
19:00 - 22:00
KBC Hoofdkantoor Leuven
100 Brusselsesteenweg
3000 Leuven
20 €
  Site internet

From peer-to-peer to loan-based crowdfunding and everything in between

The new Belgian law on crowdfunding : an opportunity to place Belgium on the European map ?

Join us for our first MeetUp of 2017 themed around crowdfunding in its various forms and get an update on Belgium's latest legal framework opportunities.

Our speakers look forward to enlighten you on their crowdfunding journey, their lessons, challenges and first success stories. Our specialised FinTech lawyers will share the opportunities of the latest Belgian regulation and look forward to answer your questions.

We're being kindly hosted by KBC/Bolero in Leuven. Although this is our first meetup outside of Brussels, we do stick to English for all presentations.

Looking forward to reconnect in 2017,

Your FinTech Belgium Team.

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